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Fair Shake Newsletter

Start with water. Tom Asackercorrlinksnews imageFair Shake sends out a free monthly newsletter to incarcerated readers with access to the Trulincs / Corrlinks service. You can read them yourself by clicking on the links below.

Feel free to print the newsletter to send to loved ones, friends or pen pals!

As of 3.23.23 more than 3200 subscribers receive the Fair Shake newsletter in federal prisons around the country, throughout the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC), and in the Iowa Dept. of Corrections.

In most of the newsletters I ask for ideas, reflections and responses to questions that come in. When the readers share their ideas with me, I compile them and share them with the readers. In this way, incarcerated readers get to hear each other’s ideas!

Sorry, but I do not email a monthly newsletter to the public. Feel free to volunteer to start this service.  I’d be happy to help!

Incarcerated readers: sign up for the FS newsletter by emailing outreach(at)fairshake.net!



**Start With Water – Tom Asacker

**Anil Seth TED Transcript

Free Agent Edition

** Write Your Business Plan

**How To Watch TV

 LIMINAL Edition

** Free Books Programs 2024


 Winter? Edition


BOP FS News Happy Solstice

WI Conditions of Confinement Bills

Wisconsin FS News: Happy Solstice!

** Self-Determination Theory

Tackling Philosophobia Edition

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes Edition

Mid-Month Missive

Celebration and Education Edition

Wider Lens Edition

** Take Ownership of Your Future Self

 TV-Free Week Edition

 Spring Forward Edition

Blue News Edition

** 36 Ways to Live Differently

Winds of Change Edition


12 Leap of Faith Edition

** Pell Grant Info (as of 12.22)

** SBA Microloan info.

11 Seasons of Care Edition

** Which Feelings Should I Follow?

10 Team Polis Edition

9 Game Time Edition

**Script Journaling by Tom Asacker

8 Lifewide Learning Edition

** Core Values

7 Epistemology Edition

6 Liberation Edition

5 FS Interlude: Memorial Moment

4 Mother Earth Day Edition

**Writing Outlets

3 Reemergence Edition

2 Spring Cleaning Edition

1 Reflection Edition


**Readers Recipe Swap

12 Revolution Edition

11 New Normal Edition

10 Transition Edition

9 All Relatives Edition

8 Back to Learning Edition

** Crap Detecting

7 Smoke From Distant Fires Edition

6 Complex Issues Edition

5 Remembrance Edition

Living the Dream Blog: Fair Shake – Sue K. Interview

4 TV-Free Week Edition

3 Blue News Edition

2 Pandemic 1 yr Later Edition

 ** BOP Newsflash

1 ‘Always Light’ Edition   


12 News on New Year’s Eve Edition

 ** FS Annual Donor Thank You!

 ** Reader’s Recommendations!

11 Holiday Edition

10 Spookster Edition

 ** Newsflash!

9 Back To (Free) School Edition

8 Evolve Edition

7 Dog Days Of Summer Edition

6 Pursuit of Freedom Edition

5 Essential Voices Edition

4 Pandemic Pandemonium Edition

3 March Madness Edition

2 Author! Author! Edition

1 Barely January Edition