Having Trouble Signing Up For Corrlinks?
These tips have been shared by someone who’s recently been released: he experienced the frustrations many of us experience when we first encounter this system ~

- Before clicking on the link to accept a new correspondent through an email request, new Corrlinks email users must set up an account. Click on the orange “Register>>” button to get started. After the new account has been set up, new users will receive an email which will contain a link to verify the new account.
- Users can now add add new correspondents by clicking on the link to Corrlinks in the request email. After signing in to the account, insert the identification code into the box and click on “Accept“. Now they are on your list! NOTE: the identification code expires after 10 days, however a new one can be sent after that if the date is missed. Hopefully, the other tasks – like charging your account or sending money – should be clear when you get to this point.
- For those with extended lists of people and/or newsletters, you can create and manage your lists by clicking on the “Account Management” image on the main page, once you’ve logged in. Once there, you will see that this is where you can also change your password, look at your history or cancel your account.

Corrlinks does not offer a customer service phone number but they provide this page where you can write a question or complaint: