Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower of happiness grow. There can be no lotus flower without the mud.
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Software is another name for the programs used to direct the operation of a computer. Software programs are used for email, the internet, writing documents, playing games, printing; software is how the computer interprets the information from the mouse and keyboard and sends information to the monitor for viewing. You probably cannot install software on a public computer. Computer hardware and software require each other.
Types of Software
Cloud Software is the term for programs that are only available online and are not installed on the computer. This software is becoming popular because it can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. Also, it is always up-to-date. It is especially useful for folks who do not own a computer.
If you store your documents, data and contacts online, you can keep your entire office In The Clouds.
We found essential software that is free to use as well as download.
These programs have basically replaced typewriters. Use these programs to write letters, reports, resumes, etc.
For information on how to use a Word Processor check out this tutorial. It may be for a different program than you are using but it works well for most and for the word processors we recommend.
Spreadsheet editors are useful for organizing data for review! You can create your schedule, budget and address book. Spreadsheets also make organizing information easy. With spreadsheets you can easily make calendars, lists or organize any information for later reference.
Here are a few guides and downloads for spreadsheet editors. They may be for a different program than you are using but they work for most spreadsheet editors and work well with the software that we recommend.