There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they're falling in.
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu |
Return to Building Computer Skills
To use the internet, you first must open a web browser. To do this, move you’re the cursor over one of the icons below and double-click on it.
To ‘surf’ the internet, simply enter key words in a search engine (such as google) and look through the search results to see if you can find what you are looking for.
Here are some of the more frequently used search engines available. They are quite different from each other, so take a little time to see the value of each one ~ Available online only | Google | Yahoo! | Craigslist | | Zoo | WebCrawler
.org Non-profit organization
.museum Museum
.info Informational
.coop Business Cooperative
.aero Aviation
/users Personal page from a private net provider
~name Personal page from a private net provider
.state or .us State or Local Government
.edu Educational (School or College)
.biz Business
.com Commercial
.pro Professional
.net Personal page from a private net provider
/members Personal page from a private net provider
.name An individual’s web address
(~ is pronounced tilde) (Warning: some non-profit groups are not harmless.)
Advertising on the internet is as aggressive as any other media outlet. Regardless of what ads or spam email tells you, no-one is giving money away, nor can you make money simply by clicking on a button. Don’t waste your time! They are all scams. Remember, the computer and the internet are tools for you to control.
If you are shopping online, be specific in your search for what you are looking for. When you have made your purchase, leave the website. Marketing and ‘consumer behavior’ professionals are paid well to devise ways to get more money out of your wallet. They will offer special deals, appeal to your shopping tastes and make One-Time-Offers. Resist their ploys. Put your credit/debit card away. Remember: you are in control.
Like shopping on the internet, only download what you are looking for! Read or listen to reviews to find out if the programs, music, movies etc. that you’d like are safe to download.
Be careful where you upload data. Sometimes servers make it difficult to remove or transfer your data, and some websites, like Facebook, have the right to use the images you upload.
If you use encounter a ‘Server not found’ error or ‘Connection problem’ sometimes the modem just needs to be restarted. Unplug your modem from the wall for a few seconds and plug it back in. Hopefully this will take care of the problem.