If you want to see change happen in your life, you've got to get a vision that goes beyond what you have already seen and experienced.
- Clifton Posey |
Everywhere we turn, we are told what we need to do to feel ‘good’. We can find ‘authorities’ in the media (TV, commercials, videos, books, magazines, social media and more), in clinics, and even among our friends and family, who may tell us what we ‘need to’ or ‘should’ do.
When the pressure builds, it’s helpful to take a break and just be, To breathe. To accept, or question, or let go.
We humans are strong; we’ve been through a lot. We can learn from others.
This page is a tiny library of ideas and support. The links connect to free resources..
Please remember that your mind needs nourishment, just as your body does.
Drink lots of water and get outside for fresh air when you are able.
If you know of other resources, I hope you’ll share them: sue (at) fairshake (dot) net
How and why to spend more awareness in the present.
A Moment in Time Dave Gray
Appointment with the Here and Now. Thich Nhat Hanh
Assorted Mindfulness Videos from Mindful Magazine
Expand your possibilities by examining your assumptions.
by Dave Gray
Simple, Calming Breathing Exercise
for Anxiety, Stress and Panic
Place: Anywhere you can make yourself physically comfortable.
Time: 5 min
Let your breath flow as deep down into your belly as is comfortable, without forcing it.
Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Breathe in gently and regularly. Some people find it helpful to count steadily from 1 to 5. You may not be able to reach 5 at first.
Then let it flow out gently, counting from 1 to 5 again, if you find this helpful.
Keep doing this for at least 5 minutes.
“ITR started with a simple goal in mind: to give recovering addicts and alcoholics a place to meet and socialize when they’re not in face-to-face meetings. This basic concept has grown into a global online community with over 1,000,000 members who share their strengths and experience with one another daily.”
Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. We believe that the traditional Buddhist teachings, often referred to as the Dharma, offer a powerful approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.
The Phoenix’s mission is to build a sober active community that fuels resilience and harnesses the transformational power of connection so that together we rise, recover, and live.
12-Step not your style? “SMART Recovery has helped millions of people around the world beat their addictions and lead rich, happy, healthy lives. Our help is FREE and available to anybody with any addictive problem.”
Self-guided webinars to support you in addressing the challenges of addiction.Provided by the Digital Therapeutics Group. If you live in New Mexico, you can participate in the free program! https://nm5actions.com/
That can help us suffer less and become stronger despite the challenges in our frustrating, difficult, and often tragic lives.
The Eight Rules of The School of Life (7:26 min)
and others. These videos are generously shared by Plum Village.
For more on Sah, visit his website: https://www.sahdsimone.com/
by Tom Asacker
Become Fiercely Authentic in a Delusional World
A self-guided, free study guide to help you “infuse your life with power and possibility”. Tom presents a way to learn “the most important skill that nobody taught you” through 19 short and powerful videos.
Self-Care-on-the-Inside-Guide 2017
Resource Page: https://srlp.org/resources/
SELF-Therapy For People Who ENJOY Learning About Themselves
Freely browse through the topics and explore those that are relevant to you now. Everything is easy to understand and to use. Self-disclosure is never needed. Completely confidential.
The Tutu Foundation aims to nurture the courage to heal through conversations.